
Dagger in the Heart

Created by Rowan, Rook and Decard

Pre-order your Heart: The City Beneath books and accessories here! Featuring Dagger in the Heart, the first full-length sourcebook for the game written by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, and an all-new GM screen with gorgeous art by Sar Cousins. **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date.
We will keep you updated through project Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!**

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dagger in the Heart September Production Update
21 days ago – Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 04:18:36 AM

Welcome once more to all you delicious delvers. It’s been a hot second since we last spoke, so let’s dive right into the updates.

Printers Go Brrr

Since we released the PDF previews of the books (that’s Dagger in the Heart, and the reworked version of the Heart: The City Beneath corebook and the Heart Quickstart) we’ve been hard at work integrating all the final errata layout tweaks needed to make the books ready for print. A huge thanks to everyone who submitted feedback to our errata form. You saved us from a few embarrassing but admittedly hilarious mistakes. (How many livers do Aelfir have?)

As of this week, the files have all been checked over by our printers, we’ve touched the print proofs in the real world, and my hand is hovering over the flashing red ‘PRINT BOOK NOW’ button.

We’re just waiting on the last checks for the softback sourcebooks to come through over the next week or so, then I'll be able to slam that button with all my might. The anticipation is killer. 

We’re still hopeful that we can get books in your hands by November, but we’ll update everyone on the shipping dates once the books are running off the printer and we enter into the wonderful world of global logistics.

Echo Edition Cover

It took some time, but we finally finished agonising over the colours and materials for the Echo Edition cover. As mentioned during the campaign, the goal was to make a cover that stood apart from the first printing of the Heart collectors edition, while still feeling distinctly ‘Heart’ ie: dark, red, and wet. Mina has put together a lovely mockup of the final colours and design below for you to feast your eyes on. 

Till Death Do Us Heart

One of our hotly anticipated stretch goals was the creation of a high quality Heart: The City Beneath actual play. We’re psyched to announce that the recordings are all complete and in the editing process. Since we couldn’t wait, we’ve put together a quick teaser for your enjoyment.

This show has been titled Till Death Do Us Heart and features a group of grotty delvers on a ‘high-stakes’ ahem ‘quest’ to halt a wedding set to take place right in the centre of the Heart. 

It’s looking like we’ll have ten episodes in total, with the first three releasing some time in November and weekly releases after that (wow, just like those fancy streaming shows everyone loves). We’re looking forward to you getting to know our delvers in the near future.

That’s all we have for this update. We’ll be in touch soon™ once the soporous smell of printer ink fills our senses.

  • Elaine & The RRD Team

Dagger in the Heart PDF Preview Available For Download!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 09:06:01 AM

The time has come! -drumroll-

Print preview files for Dagger in the Heart are now available for download for those who backed physical or PDF versions of Dagger in the Heart. Check your downloads in Backerkit to get access. (If you don't see the download, double check that your order is locked and your card payment has successfully been collected. Declined card payments are the most common issue that stop backers from being delivered their rewards.)

Keep in mind, this is the preview version of the PDF. While it's very close to done, there are some minor layout tweaks and a final proofreading pass to go in before the files go to print. Speaking of which, if you spot any issues, let us know how badly we messed up by plugging your feedback into our form over here.

If you have any issues, you can email [email protected] for help (Don't fret if we're a bit slow to respond over the coming days. There's thousands of you and we've only so many frail human limbs to respond with. Oh for a drop of spider blood.)

We'll be in touch soon(tm) with more updates.

- The RRD Team

PDFs inbound, charging cards and locking orders
2 months ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 07:10:10 AM


Grant here - Elaine's off so I'm stepping in to have a chat with you all.

We're excited to announce that the PDF preview of Dagger in the Heart will be released to campaign backers next week. (By "preview," I mean - the whole book's in there and it's all laid out but we're expecting you to find some errors which we can fix before we go to print.)

This means that we're going to lock orders and charge cards for everyone.

We're going to do this on Wednesday 21st August, so if you want to add anything to your pledge, please do it before then! (Personally I can recommend the GM screen because it's bananas.)

We'll then release the PDF on Thursday 22nd August, assuming nothing implodes. 

As ever, if you have any issues, please email us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to resolve them.


- Grant

Dagger in the Heart: Big News! Bigger Releases!
3 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 07:05:58 AM

What ho ye delirious delvers of the depths. It’s time for another project update, this time with big news and even bigger releases!

Heart Delve Edition PDF Preview Available Now

First and foremost, the PDF preview of the new Heart: The City Beneath edition is now available online for your ravenous consumption (provided you’ve purchased a copy of Heart ofc. No free meals here. You’ll pay for your pound of flesh like the rest of us.) Simply hop on your webstore of choice and download the newest version to check it out for yourself.
Dubbed the ‘Delve Edition’ this new version of Heart is bursting with lovely layout updates, errata, delver obituaries, and four new pages on crafting Delves for your players (masterfully penned by Chris and Grant under extreme duress as a ‘break’ from their duties on Hollows).

We’re giving this document a bit of breathing time before sending it off to print, so if you spot anything amiss, please let us know by telling us we messed up in our errata form.  

New Character Sheets

You can’t have a shiny new version of Heart without a shiny new character sheet to hand to your players. Well, arguably you can, but I refuse to accept that reality if the alternative lets us force Mina to make us a shiny new form fillable character sheet for folk to use.
This new sheet is currently bundled alongside all digital copies of Heart, and we’ll update the website version some time shortly so everyone can get their hands on them.

Dagger in the Layout

While all this fancy corebook work has been going on, the text for Dagger in the Heart has emerged from editing and slammed into layout like a boiling hot locomotive ploughing into an antique store (that’s to say: with much commotion and screaming noises from everyone involved).
This means that, all things going well, you can look forward to getting your grubby mitts on the PDF copies of Dagger in the Heart within the coming weeks, once Mina has beaten it into its final shape.

We’re at GenCon! (gods save us)

A bunch of the RRD staff will be flying out to the states to attend GenCon next week. They’ve been promised that this will be worth the jetlag and risk of gun-related-crimes. If you want to help make that statement true, why not swing by and chuck some money at them (or inflate their egos by praising their work, you know, if that’s more your speed). 

I’m told they have the last 95 copies of Heart in the US squirrelled away in a highly secure cardboard box. So if you hunger for the pre-Delve edition original recipe Heart, this could very well be your last chance to get a hold of one. We’ll have two booths this year, one dedicated to Eat the Reich (Booth 455 Main Hall) and our Studio 2 (Booth 1929/2029 Main Hall).

Grant and Chris will be hosting a panel to talk about the world of Heart and Spire if you’re so inclined. Tickets are currently sold out, but who knows you might be able to show up and crash the joint if you’re lucky. 

We’re also running convention scenarios of Heart, Spire, Hollows, and more! Again… sold out (wow we’re so popular) but you never know. All told GenCon should be a veritable RRD blowout. You’ll be sick of us by the end, probably.

Speaking of ends, that’s all for this month.

Oh and for the 3% of you who still haven’t locked your pledges: I SEE YOU! GET ON IT! DON’T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE!

  • Elaine and the RRD Team

Dagger in the Heart, June Update
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 05:08:15 AM

Greetings Delvers. Another quick update to keep you up to speed on all the work that’s continuing at pace on Dagger and all the other Heart-related goodies you know and (hopefully) love.

Dagger In The Heart

The train is thundering towards the station with reckless abandon. The text is finished and is in the process of being edited, and all the illustrations are complete and entering layout. It’s an exciting time where everything comes together into the final shape of the book. (Read: ‘exciting’ as ‘beautiful chaotic mess’.)

Heart Quickstart Update

Speaking of beautiful chaotic messes, if all proceeds as the oracles have foretold, by the time you’re reading this, the shiny new updated Heart Quickstart should be available for download from our website, DriveThruRPG, and This is your first chance to take a good look at all the hard work Mina has put into sprucing up the Heart line in anticipation of the big reprint, and the Echo Edition.

Now the PDF is finished, the files can get ready for print and whisked off to our printing partner. We’ve even managed to work out a way to ensure that the gorgeous new character sheets that Mina has designed will be perforated for easy tear-out-and-play at the table (your players and printers will thank you).

GM Screen

Sar has officially finished the illustration for both sides of the GM screen and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Take a look yourselves! 
We’ve also been working away on the content for the accompanying GM booklet. You can expect the usual boilerplate useful rules references you’d find on any GM screen, but we know what you’re really here for is the weird stuff. 

So today we wanted to show off some of the class tables. The idea here is to give you quick little roleplay prompts for each class. The GM can roll them to surprise your players, or hand them out to the players and let them roll themselves (after all, why should the GM do all the hard work?) Here’s a couple we’re working on. 

First up is one for the Vermissian Knight, or more specifically, their armour. After all, shouldn’t their armour be a character itself? This can be a fun table to use during moments of downtime, when the knight is fixing up their armour by the fire, or more actively during combat or delves when you want to show wear and tear on the suit.

Next up is the Deadwalker and their deathly spectre. This table is all about exploring the Deadwalker’s relationship with their Death, asking ominous questions, and helping their grim shadow get some time in the spotlight. 

That’s all we have for today, folks. We’ll be back in a couple weeks with another update! In the meantime, if you haven’t done so yet, CONFIRM YOUR PLEDGES! We see you, the 3% who haven’t done it yet. We really want to send you books at some point but damned if it isn’t hard without addresses and shipping info. So get in there. 

-The RRD Team